Have a nice day.

Landscape. Good boy. Just grass.

FullStack Developer

Journal - Friendly Goal Tracker.

journal app calendar view journal app profile view

This project I use it every day, so always adding need features and improving the user experience.

The real power of this app is the editing feature, easy and instinctive.

Have a lot of hovering helpful hints, so you find the guidance with no effort.

Also created an interactive about/documentation section, where you can find everything.

I deployed the client in aws, using a s3 bucket as storage, cloudfront for security https and route53 for routing from https://jounal.debloat.us/demo

You can check the source code here

BSA Unit Singles - Full deployed ecommerce site using reactjs, expressjs and stripe.

main page an item page

As main technology, I used reactjs, express and MongoDb.

The real power of this app is in the search bar, fuzzy search in 4000 items, and you can select the item from the bar or generate a page with results.

In the FrontEnd styled components with material ui, redux and stripejs

In the BackEnd as database mongodb for authentication CryptoJS and JWT

I deployed the client in aws, using a s3 bucket as storage, cloudfront for security https and route53 for routing from https://bsa.debloat.us

You can check the source code here

My personal blog

My personal blog Different blog posts example of post

React with the last nextjs version.

This is a totally static generated blog, means that don't need a server, so the security and deployment is better. Also for a better writting, you use mardown.

React styled components, gray-matter and showdown

Now the hard part is generate useful content.

You can check the source code here

Minimalist todoapp

examples of todos

Why this stands out? because works with the internal storage of your browser, thats mean you are in control of it, no server needed and also if you don't specify erase the internal storage of your browser, the data will be there.

Try adding some tasks then close and open (restart your computer or whatever) the same page.

You can check the source code here


You can always check this section; I code some games to understand the logic behind them, to open my mind.

games available

Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and OpenCV Practitioner


Sympathy Score: I use a face dataset consisted of 3690 Hromada of smiling faces and others 9475 not smiling (13165 total). It make a face detection of every face in the picture, then pass every face to the model. You can tweak the parameters. So will draw a green rectangle for people who pass the threshold of smiling, and a red one for the face who didn't, also write the percentage of the "smile" detected. Then compute all faces and give you a Sympathy Score, drawn in the top left corner with a percentage of the people that pass the smile threshold, above 50% draw it in green, else in red. You can go further and implement it in a video of the reaction of the people when you tell a joke, you know, this AI will tell you with cold blood if you are funny or not.

Face Recognition: Easy and fast deployment of this script. Have a clean pipeline, where you need to provide a picture of the person (or persons) you want to detect, then you have a script where you pull the faces from that, so you provide the picture (or pictures) where you want to apply the script.

Anonymizer: Easy command line script that permit apply a filter (can be a black box, a blur box, big pixels or cover just the eyes) to a face. I didn't see any other app that do that, just Signal for cellphone. The script will ask you for every face detected if you want to apply the filter, so if you want to share a picture of just you and you are with more people, this could help to protect the others identities.

Height estimator: With the help of an aruco tag, you will be able to estimate the height of someone. This have great results in a controlled environment (like the size of the aruco tag, the distance and the angle of the picture), so if you want to save the picture of the height of your children without draw the line in your wall, consider this script, will save you money on painting. I use my trigonometric knowledge ahahahaha.

All these projects I did it while was doing all the courses in pyimagesearch university with Adrian Rosebrock as main instructor.

Web Programmer


This page is mainly static, because is free hosted in Github, but I deployed the projects in Heroku, so you can see the functionality. I tried to make it simple and clean, but functional.

Also I deployed (in Django again) the API to get the highscores of the games and get your feedback in the right-botton corner of the page.

Four Django-Javascript projects. You can see the code or download it from github.

SafeApp: Password manager, save, edit, generate strong passwords, export database, delete user, that have the capability of generate random and strong passwords, the length and symbols are set from the user.

Network: Twitter like social network website for making posts and following users. makes API calls to gather the posts.

Mail: Simple email client, can send, receive, archive and reply the messages. Make API calls for send and receive emails.

eCommerce: e-Bay like ecommerce auction site that will allow users to post auctions listings, place bids on listings, comment on those listings and add listing to a watchlist.

These were the projects that lead me to the web programmer certification, issued from HarvardX.

Miguel Rojas

miguel's profile picture

"The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way."